Singapore Squat Challenge 2014 held at Bishan CC, organized by LiveFitter. More than 100 participant turn up for this event and I must say the highlight for the event will be the ladies who took part in this competition! More and more new female athlete is emerging in the Fitness Scene in Singapore! I believe there are many more ladies out there, don’t be shy and come join in the Fitspo (female fitness inspiration) community in Singapore together with other ladies who have the same goals as you!

The first impression for a Squat challenge to people normally will be, it is an event for guys only! Check out the photos I took in this event and it proves the other way. Lifting weights is no longer an event for guys only! More and more girls started to understand that lifting weights doesn’t get them bulky and big but on the other hand provide so many more benefits to their body and mind.

Being stronger can no only improve your joints and bones but it also gives you a toner and adds more curves to your body! Working out helps increase your energy level and normally people who works out feel less stressful and lead a happier life! With all these comes a boost in your confidence as you proof yourself over and over again that failure is not an option and you strive to break your Personal Best in whatever things you do!

I will definitely date any of these girls and they look fantastic! Here are some of the photos from the squat event! Strong is the new sexy, keep it up ladies!!!