shredded, 6 pax, abs, heechai, lean

Burn more fats and stay leaner!

Heard of this – its not what you eat but the time you eat?

It’s all about how to let your body use more fats as energy to burn out those stubborn fats in your body! Now i am going to unveil to you how it is done!

So here is a simple story by me on how to burn more fats.

For example, you are going out shopping today, the item you are buying is $50 and your wallet only got $25, so naturally you will go to the bank and withdraw another $25 to purchase that item right? So if you are eating food before your workout, even worst high carbohydrate food! Your Wallet will be full! Minimum withdrawal from the bank (stored energy (fats)). Which is not what we want to achieve.

Your body will start leaning out on the arms and followed by your legs then your body, how gauge if the diet is workout is by the vascularity of my arms. This is something i read from the book, your body fats is stored in a way that you must be able to escape from danger if needed. So if thinking logically, the best place to store your fats will be the center. So arms, legs then tummy.

quad, legs, heechai, veins
quads with veins
veins, forearms, heechai,
veins of my forearms
shredded, 6 pax, abs, heechai, lean

To Optimize fat burn, here is my routine.

5am – consume 5gram BCAA 2.5 gram glutamine

515am – workout

615am – consume 5 gram BCAA 2.5g glutamine

10am – first meal
I always like to give my body a few hours buffer after workout to optimize fat lost, after workout your body is looking for energy to burn. But there is also a lot of other saying that immediately post workout you must consume protein and other stuff as it is the anabolic window. You just got to try everything and see what produce the best result for you.
Always keep an open mind and make some gains!

I normally get my information by reading books like Primal Blue print, website like leangains and Optimum Nutrition Sponsored Melissa Sarah Wee.


Are you a Skinny Fat?
Although Singapore is not one of the country with the highest amount of obesity from the chart I have gotten.
but if you looked around you. You will be able to find a lot of skinny fats around. Like the picture above (skinny arms and legs with a big tummy and some may have man boobs.)
Why is this happening? What causes us to stall so much fat at our tummy area?
Due to our lifestyle right now, we hardly used up all the energy in our body and at the same time we load in a lot of energy. Fats are stored energy, but how come we are not using them?
Our body actually forgets how to tap fats as energy because of our new eating habit. High Carbohydrates diet.  Your rice (yes brown rice included), bread, noodle, pasta, fries, cereals and sugary drink (processed fruit juice is also included)

I thought Pasta, Bread, Brown rice , cereal with milk and Packed fruit juice is healthy!

Carbohydrates if not use by the body will be stored as fats so you will be able to use the energy later. What happens now in our lifestyle is that we are having too much carbohydrate. A typical breakfast will be bread, lunch will normally have rice and dinner we may take in pizza or pasta. Even if we workout that day, the body will choose to use up the carbohydrate (glucose) in our body first (example : will you use the money in your wallet first or the money in your bank)
So how can we use fats as energy?
1.     Do fasted (no food) workout in the morning!
a.     When you just woke up and your blood glucose in the body has been depleted! In this way your body will try to use more fats as energy as there are no more glucose left!
2.     Consume low carbohydrates meals! Best if you only consume your carbohydrates meal after an intense workout!
So what kind of carbohydrates should we choose? Why are grains not good?
Let me introduce you to our Glycemic Index scale. It is use to track the blood glucose level in the body after consuming carbohydrate.
**A surge in blood glucose in the body will cause the insulin (insulin is like a police, glucose is like thief. Insulin job is to put the glucose to Jail) will be call upon to store them as fats.

The higher the GI number (row 1) the more blood glucose there is.

Don’t agree or like what i just said? Prove me wrong!

  1. Take measurement of your
    1. Weight
    2. Body fat percentage (can be taken at the gym)
    3. *Best if you can have measurement of your arms, chest, waist, hips and thigh.
  2. Do fasted workout in the morning. 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) – Any kind of workout for 45min every morning!
  3. Change your eating habit. (Example below)
    1. Breakfast – (4-5 eggs (with 2 yolks)) plus apple
    2. Lunch – Chicken Chop (sides Veggie)
    3. Dinner – Grilled Fish (sides veggie and potato)
  4. Follow for 30 days!
  5. Drop me an email so I can keep you motivated, answer your question and complete the 30 days together! – subject : 30 day challenge!
Some other Important Facts
** High carbohydrates (e.g. ice cream) spike blood glucose which in turn raises your “Serotonin” happy feeling for a while and the body sends out a large amount of insulin as the sudden rush of sugar causes the body to go into emergency. Then you will have a dip in blood sugar and your body feels that it is out of energy, you feel tired and restless because your blood glucose level is low and natural reaction when you feel that you are out of energy you will go for second round of food!
**How diabetes happens?
If beta cells don’t produce enough insulin, or the body doesn’t respond to the insulin that is present, glucose builds up in the blood instead of being absorbed by cells in the body, leading to prediabetes or diabetes.
**So if you spike your insulin everyday slowly it will get less sensitive and need to produce more insulin to bring down the glucose in your blood stream. Eventually the system breaks down and you are unable to clear the glucose and you get your diabetes.