Tabata training at dfitness gym today. Tabata training is a form of high intensity interval training. It is very effective for losing fats and building muscle. It consist of 8 set per workout. 20 second work and 10 second rest per set. It is a fast and effective workout, normally will last up to 30min.
So this is really free style you can do it any way you like. Even a mixture of full body workout will be good as well. More information can be found here
Had a great training session with darren at their newly open gold’s gym at “20B east coast road S428747 (opp katong shopping center, above RHB bank.
More information on golds gym can be found at golds gym
Training Tools of the day
being functional is the key to darren fitness training, you can know more about d fitness at
Its all about the form, speed and power.
The warm up:
jumping jacks with resistance band
Jumping jacks with palm facing up
Buddha clap
shoulder rotation front and back with arms still holding there.
holding in the position did a lateral raise and front raises.
followed by Push up and a V push up where i walk back to target more on the shoulder.
Then to the legs, with body weight squats with a pause below and a half squat jumping jacks.
The warm up really got my heart rate up and this is not what you will get in the gym. This warm up really activates all my muscle group, it feels all ready for the workout.
Jumping Jacks (warm up)
Darren demostrating the jumping jacks. Showing the proper technique before asking me to execute any exercise.
Ladder Drill
To the real workout for the day!
Ladder drill starting off with single leg shuffle
short sprint *2
double leg shuffle
short sprint *2
side shuffle
short sprint *2
TRX punch 30 sec for each side
jump pull on the resistance band 30 sec for each side
repeated 2 rounds, rest between sets 60 sec. Was panting like crazy at the end of every sets. I could hardly speak for a moment. Looking good is no doubt important but we want to be able to keep on moving and being functional till we are 80. Where we can still have fun with my children. Grand children.
Post training shot!they provide kettle bell trainingfree weightsPower Rack
The gym is fully equipped, you can have your functional training or weights training or even mixing both together!
Darren in my opinion is a trainer who knows where the limit of his trainee is and will push you thru and achieve your maximum human potential. He is very strict with the form of the exercise, making every single rep injury free and targeted at the right area.
Do drop him a text at +65 9666 1429 for personal training services. You can also find him on instagram @dslasher for more fitness tips and motivation!
Other achievement
Best Recruit, Best PT during National Service
Singapore Manhunt 2009 2nd Runner-Up
Singapore Manhunt 2009 Mr Popularity, Mr Fabulous Tan and Mr Fitness/Mr Nutrifirst Award
Cleo Bachelor 2009 Magazine Cover
Bachelor Most Made for Stardom Award